+ What is squalene?

Squalene, and when hydrogenated for extended shelf life, squalane, is an oil acquired predominantly from the livers of sharks. It is also naturally present in the lipid barrier of plants (notably olives, corn, sugar, wheat, and amaranth), other marine animals and even humans. Squalene comprises up to 96% of a shark’s liver making sharks the most profitable source to exploit. Correspondingly, shark squalene is valued at around 30% less than plant-derived varieties allowing for higher profit margins, especially when sold as vegan.

+ What is the difference between squalene and squalane?

Squalane is the hydrogenated form of squalene. Hydrogenation extends shelf life.

+ Is squalene unsafe to use?

Squalene is not toxic to human health in an immediate sense. Squalene is, however, an ingredient of concern given its impacts on vital shark species, oceans and environment, which invariabley does impact human health in broader, more devastating and collective ways.

+ The label says 'olive squalene.' Does this guarantee the absence of shark squalene?

Nope. Unless brands have pledged #SHARKLESS, and agree to our rigourous testing of products pre and post forumlation, there is no guaruntee of squalene's origin. Brands may disagree and defend this feircly. But the contamination of plant-based squalene with shark-derived squalene is practiced industry-wide. Vegan brands have tested shark positive. Clean brands have tested shark positive. Luxury brands have tested shark positive. Drugstore brands have tested shark positive. Leaping Bunny brands have tested shark positive. Peta Approved brands have tested positve. Brands with vegan spokesmodels have tested shark postiive. This is a supply chain issue, so let's encourage brands to address it as such. Immediately.

+ I only use vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics. Does this guarantee that any squalene listed is plant-derived?

AE's #SHARKLESSPledge is the only certification that relies on science to substanitet labelling claims. Vegan, Curelty-Free and Leaping Bunny are designations that rely of self assessment and voluntary dislcosure, signed statements pertaining to shared machinery, and the payment of licencing fees. No third party testing is required. Avoid all potentially animal-derived ingredients, and check out our Verified SHARKLESS brands.

+ Which brands tested positive for shark squalene in the #SHARKLESS Study?

We are in the process of discussing our study results directly with the brands we tested in hopes of supporting their transitions to Verified SHARKLESS squalene. Currently, we at #AllEarthlings feel that this is the most effective way for our team to have a positive impact on ocean health. We reserve the right to publish a research report like other environmetnal organisations and may choose to do so in future.

+ Why do brands labelled 'vegan' and 'cruelty-free' still contain shark squalene?

Because products are designed to make a profit, and shark squalene is 30% cheaper than plant-derived squalene thereby allowing for higher profit margins. The contamination of plant-based squalene with shark squalene is also happening covertly, and quite far back in brands' value chains, quite far indeed from the WFH offices of compliance and sustinability executives. Furthermore, vegan and cruelty-free disignations do not require third party testing to verify ingredient origin.

+ What else can I do to ensure I am using cosmetics that are safe for #AllEarthlings?

Buy & use fewer products. Watch Toxic Beauty Documntary. Download the Think Dirty App. Check out our NEVER LIST - the most exhastive and inclusive list of harmful ingredients ever. Get to know our Verified SHARKLESS brands. Choose zero waste and refillable products, or those packages in glass, paper, and aluminum.

+ Aside from squalene are there other cosmetic ingredients I should avoid?

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Our NEVER LIST is the most exhaustive ingredients to avoid list there is - and the only one built with consideration for #AllEarthlings.

+ How can I support All Earthlings' #SHARKLESS Initative?

Click on Take Action in the main navigation. #PledgeSHARKLESS, use your voice, post on social, contact brands, and DONATE if you can.

+ How can I find out if the squalene in my products is shark-derived?

We can test it for you :) Send us an email.

+ What can I do when I find 'squalene' or 'squalane' on a product label?

You can take a picture of the product and post it on social, tag the brand and ask them to #PledgeSHARKLESS. See TAKE ACTION in the main nav. We suggest avoiding products with this ingredient unless brands are Verified Sharkless.

+ Why are cosmetic companies still using shark squalene when plant-based squalene is available?

Because shark squalene is 30% cheaper than plant-derived squalene, and personal care products are fundamentaly designed to make a profit.

+ What are the verified #SHARKLESS brands?

CHECK THEM OUT. More and more additions all the time.